Wednesday, February 1, 2012

14 days of V-Day fun : Day 2 (Candy cane heart lollipops)

14 days of V Day fun series

Hi! Welcome to day #2 of “14 days of V-Day fun”! :)

Today I am sharing a super fun idea that I found at The Idea Room blog. You can see the post here.

Today’s treat is..
Candy cane heart lollipops!

Valentine's day candy cane heart lollipops  -Candy canes (you’ll need 2 per lollipop, so plan accordingly)
-Wilton candy melts (any color is fine, I used white)
-Lollipop sticks (Found mine at Hob Lob for a little over $2)
-Sprinkles (Found mine at Walmart.. $5 for a HUGE container)
Also needed (but not shown in picture), tin foil, spoon and flat baking pan/cookie sheet.

1 - Pre heat oven to 350 degrees (F)

2 - Assemble candy canes into heart shape and stick a lollipop stick in between. Next, put your hearts into the oven for 2-3 minutes. Just long enough to melt them a TINY bit so that they will stay on the sticks. Take out of oven, push the bottom of the candy canes toward the stick and let cool for a few minutes.
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3 - Melt your candy melts, following directions on the package.Valentine's day candy cane heart lollipops-3

   4- Fill hearts with chocolate and add sprinkles before chocolate dries.
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5 – Let chocolate harden (I put mine in the fridge to speed things up) and enjoy!

My girls had fun putting the sprinkles on and we definitely loved the finished product. :) They are SOO good!

A little tip: Buy your candy canes when Christmas stuff goes on sale.. I got mine for 24 cents a box!!

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Thanks for coming back for day 2 of my little series. Hope to “see” you tomorrow for day 3! :)


  1. LOVE these - I have some mini canday canes leftover somewhere too!
    Thanks for sharing

  2. These look so fun and tasty! I would love trying to make these! and I would love it if you would stop by and link up at our first: Naturally-Nifty Party #1

    -your newest follower!
