Don't get me wrong.. I love me some Pinterest (I mean, really.. I have over 1100 pins!). I will admit, though, that sometimes I find myself pinning a recipe that I would not eat, but would still make it because it looks pretty..
Example? These stinkin' cute candy corn waffles that have been all over Pinterest lately..
Example? These stinkin' cute candy corn waffles that have been all over Pinterest lately..
After seeing the previously mentioned waffles, I went straight to our wedding registry and added a waffle maker. Nothing wrong with that, right? Well, actually there is.. I put a waffle maker on our registry and I don't even LIKE waffles (or any breakfast food that you would pair with syrup for that matter.).
What is even better is that we received not one, but TWO waffle makers at my bridal shower!
It's all good, though. Even though I do not eat waffles, Micheal and the girls do.. So I will still be making the adorable candy corn waffles, and probably the rainbow ones. And let's not forget the watermelon ones! Ugh, I just love your blog, Kelli!
Thank you Kim and Aunt Karen for the waffle makers!! :)
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